Nature and insect protection

buy one butterfly and save one thousand

Non protected species

Buy one save one thousand

All butterflies are either bred or are caught in the wild in
compliance with all local laws.
Local people in all countries are hired by timber
companies to cut down the forest.
The involvement of these local people in the “Buy one
save one thousand” butterfly collecting project means
that local people are aware of the importance of the
forest and protect it against destruction.

Collecting of butterfly takes place in a gentle way, only
by hand net without any impact on the environment.
Collecting butterflies with a hand net has absolutely no
effect on the butterfly population in the wild. In addition,
95% of all the caught specimens are males, because
mostly only males fly down and the females stay high in
the canopy of the forest. All butterflies are found in the
wild in the ratio of 50% males and 50% females. One
male mates with several dozen females. This means that
male hunting cannot endanger the population in any
way, because only a small per mille of males is caught in
hand nets.

By purchasing this specimen, you have supported the
protection of nature, the rainforest and therefore also